This is a Non-Paying Submissions Call
Submit to: Poetry Editor Shiesha McNeil CAPELLA.SUBMISSIONS@yahoo.com
Cover letter may be sent in body of email.
‘CAPELLA SUB' in the Subject Bar.
Submit Three Poems Only.
We Accept Almost All Poetry, i. e., some concrete poems may not maintain integrity throughout our layout process. If so, we wll accept a replacement.
All Poetry Submissions should contain 50 word only bios, postal address and email in same file with submitted work.
WORD Docs. Only and Must Be Editable for formatting.
FIFTY word, third person bio, full postal address and email must appear in same WORD DOC. as submitted poems.
FONT: 12 pt. Calibri, Tahoma or any 'uncomplicated' font will do.
Please try not to use double spacing between lines whenever possible unless intrinsic to the integrity of the poem.
Please try not to exceed 70 lines if possible.
No Previously Published Submissions
This is a Non-Paying Submissions Call.
Submission Time: Open
Submit to Publishing Editor Adele Geraghty BTSbooks2007@aol.com
Only one artist will be chosen per Volume.
The chosen artist will have their work featured throughout the journal as cover art and internal illutrations.
We Accept ART of all genre including SCULPTURE and PHOTOGRAPHY.
Black & White art preferred but will accept coloured art which may be converted to black and white, with the artist's permission.
Jpeg. files only, 300 dpi or slightly larger.
Bio of 50 to 100 words must be included in body of email.
Artist may include with bio, their own words regarding their work.
Submit all art to: Publishing Editor Adele C. Geraghty at BTSbooks2007@aol.com.
Please include CAPELLA ART SUBMISSION in Subject Bar.
No previously published submissions.
Capella, Bi-Annual
Poetry Journal
Continues to be published
May and October
Submit to:
Please note the latest changes to Our Guidelines. SEE BELOW
*Submissions are now being accepted every month
except December & January.
**Once we’ve chosen enough poetry for a
current issue, we may also choose poems for the
second forthcoming issue
as well, which will be
published six months later.
***If you only want your work considered for the
current Issue, please include this in your submissions email.
Thank you,
The Editors